Training order is Intro, Guided Access then Certification To get a badge fill out the Badging Form below!
[Student & TPZ Staff] Intro: No Stamp
This is a basic overview of the equipment. In Intro you will understand what the equipment is used for and how to be safe with the tool. No stamp is earned for basic understanding but it is a great first step! Open to TPZ Students and Staff
Guided Access [GA]: Stamp
Guided Access means that you have earned a stamp and the ability to use equipment with a trained staff member to practice building skill fluency. This skill level is open to TPZ Students and Staff. To get Guided Access you must be able to demonstrate that you
- Have received Equipment Demo
- Can identify where equipment resources are
- Understand and can identify where safety information is.
- Will only use equipment with a train staff present and never be alone
- Agreed to follow all safety instructions
- Will clean up when finish
3 Pagers
Resource Website
Poster or 3 Pager
[TPZ Staff only]
Certified level 1 [C1] Has Guided Access; Able to use 1st skill on equipment independently; Practice 2nd skill with trained staff; Holders can give Guided Access training and certify others with Design Lab tools if applicable. Certified level 2 [C2]: Has Certification 1; Able to use 2nd skill on equipment independently; Practice 3rd skill with trained staff; Holders can give C1 training and certify other educators/staff on Design Lab tools if applicable. Certified level 3 [C3]: Has Certification 2; Mastery of Tool; Holders can give all training and certify within comfort to other educators/staff on Design Lab tools if applicable.