3D PrinterOS Tutorial
3D PrinterOS Tutorial

3D PrinterOS Tutorial

dremel3dprinterOS3d printer
October 13, 2023
Shani Mensing
Class Section
Discover: 3D Printing
Documentation Type

At TPZ, we have an entire print farm with 10 Dremel 3D45 printers, located in the entrance hallway on the first floor. They print with PLA (polylactic acid) plastic in various colors including: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Pink, Black, White & Transparent

Login to JumpCloud

  1. Head to your JumpCloud account at
  2. Click on the 3D Printer application indicated as a green circle with the number 3 in the center.
Photo contains an image of the JumpCloud main webpage. There are 6 applications shown.
Photo contains an image of the JumpCloud main webpage. There are 6 applications shown.

3DPrinterOS Site

  1. From JumpCloud you will be directly sent to the 3DPrinterOS website.
    1. Files: Contains new 3D Models that have been imported to 3DPrinterOS but hasn’t been printed yet
    2. Projects: Contains past 3D Models and their history. Look for past print jobs here.
    3. image
Image contains a screenshot of 3DPrinterOS front page.
Image contains a screenshot of 3DPrinterOS front page.

Sending files from Tinkercad to 3DPrinterOS

Log into Thinkercad

  1. Once signed into 3DPrinterOS using JumpCloud log into your Tinkercad account by heading to
  2. Click on Designs
  3. Select a model you would like to print
  4. Click on Tinker this

Send Model to 3DPrinterOS

  1. To send files to 3DPrinterOS click on Export on the upper right hand side of the screen
  2. Click on 3D Print
    1. Select 3DPrinterOS
    2. Hit continue to 3DPrinterOS if prompted
  3. You will then be directed to 3DPrinterOS
    1. Your model will now appear under Files
    2. Head to section below to print model
    3. icon

Uploading Files From Desktop to 3DPrinterOS

  1. To upload files from your desktop head to 3DPrinterOS
  2. Click on Add Files
  3. Drag and Drop your model from your computer or click “select from computer” to search.

Preparing Model to Print in 3DPrinterOS

  1. Double click on the file you would like to print or select Layout to open the Layout page.
  2. Use the layout tools to change model size or location on the bed
Tips! *The flat side of the model should touch the bottom of the print bed! *Make sure your model is not below or off the printbed. If it is a red warning will pop up. *Try to lay down tall models.

Layout Tools



  • Type in the position value in the X/Y/Z (mm) boxes.
  • Click On Bed to automatically have the model touch the print bed
  • Center will move your model to the center of the print bed


  • Type in the degree in which you would like to rotate your model.
  • Align Face to Bed will allow you to select the side of the model that you would like to be face down on the bed.


  • Change size of model by typing in exact size in millimeters next to x(mm), y(mm) & z(mm) or change size by percentage (%) [example full size is %100, half size is %50, double the size is %200]
  • Select keep proportions to keep model original overall shape. Un-click keep proportions to allow sides and top to be resized independently.


If you would Like to make multiple copies of the same model use hot key

Mac: Command D

PC: Control D


Click on the, middle icon shapes like a rabbit squared


This will bring up a menu on the right asking for Quantity.

The default quantity is Max.

When you hit Apply the bed will be filled with the max amount of models that can fit on the bed

To delete models click on the blue X


Type in a quantity to have that number of models added to your printer bed.


Adding Additional Models

To add a file select Add File on the top menu

Select the file you would like to add and hit Add


Print Is Not Adhering to Bed

If your print is not sticking to the bed and becoming spaghetti, add a raft to to the design. 9/10 times this will fix the problem.


Printing Models in 3DPrinterOS

  1. Once model is ready click on Slice located on the upper right
  2. image
  3. Profile settings will automatically be set for you.
    1. Take a moment to make sure that your settings reflect the setting shown here.
    2. Make sure Generate Support is checked
  4. Next select Slice or Slice & Toolpath Preview
  1. In Slice & Toolpath Preview you will be able to see how the machine will print the model
    1. Sliding the Range slider or press the play button on the Animation option to watch how your model will be assembled.
  2. When you are happy with your model hit Print on the upper right hand side.
  1. Next select the printer you would like to use.
  2. Take a look at the camera of the printer to make sure that the bed is clear and ready to go.
  1. If the bed is not clear you can still print to this printer by adding it to queue or select another printer
  1. Once you have selected your printer push print or queue.
  1. You will then be asked to fill out a brief survey on what the print is for.
  2. Once completed select Continue with Print
  3. And with that your print is all set.
  1. Once the print is complete, remove the print and press ACCEPT to let the machine know the bed is clear
(Old) 3DPrinterOS Tutorial(Old) 3DPrinterOS Tutorial
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