Illustrator Guide
This guide is meant to bring you to tutorials on how to use tools and get the full functionality of Illustrator. There will be a series of questions that will bring you to the tutorial that will answer your question. If this guide doesn’t answer the question you have, email and the tutorial will be added as soon as possible. Please do this so the next person who has the same question will get answers.
I’m A Beginner In Illustrator:
Go here
I Have a Question on How to Do Something in Illustrator:
Go here
The Basics:
If you are new to Illustrator, watching all these videos will give you enough information to make any great basic project.
The Basics of Illustrator: Link
Layers and Copying and Pasting: Link
Align Objects: Link
All Tools Explained: Link
Copyright for Images:
When using images obtained from the internet, check if the image is copyrighted. If it is, you may have to pay to use that design for your business. It usually isn’t too much, but needed if you are using the image for a commercial purpose. A good way to check is by going to the page that originally has the image and see if you have to pay to download it. If the image is already being used by a professional website and you can’t pay to download it, you most likely cannot use it.
To have your search only show images which are free to use, if you credit them, in a google image search, click tools which is to the right of all the search options, and under Usage Rights, select Creative Commons License. You should still double check, but every image then should be able to be used.