Tinkercad Nametag Tutorial
Tinkercad Nametag Tutorial

Tinkercad Nametag Tutorial

tinkercad3d printer
Class Section
Discover: 3D Printing
Documentation Type

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Set Up

  1. In the top left corner, set the title of your creation: YourFirstNameTheThingVersion EX: SimeonNameBadgev1
  2. Then, in the bottom right, click Settings and then change your units to inches and change preset to Dremel 3D40/3D45.
  3. image
  4. To zoom in or out, scroll up or down respectively.
  5. To change perspectives, either click the cube on the top right, or hold down right click and move your cursor.

Your final design will look similar to this:


Making Your Name Tag

The Base:

  1. First, using the basic shapes menu to the right of your workspace, drag a box into your workspace. This is how you add shapes to our project.
  1. Use the Shape Edit menu on the right to change the Width to 3, and height to 0.25. Make sure the radius is still 0 and the length is 1.
  1. Add a cylinder to your workspace and make sure the middle of the cylinder is in line with the end of the rectangle.
  1. Select the cylinder and drag the white rectangle in the middle of the shape down so that the height is “¼”
  2. Now left click and drag your cursor so that a box is made that overlaps both the base and the cylinder.
  3. Press “Ctrl + G” or this button in the top right corner to group these two shapes together. Now they act as one shape.
  4. image
  1. Add another cylinder in the exact same spot you put the last cylinder
  1. Select the new cylinder and then click where it says “Hole.” This now changes the cylinder to a negative space that removes whatever it’s in.
  2. Again, select the new cylinder, hold “Shift” and drag the bottom right and top left white rectangles of the cylinder towards the center.
  1. Finally left click and drag so you overlap each shape and group them together again using either “Ctrl + G” or this button in the top right corner. You now have a fully complete base!
  2. image

Adding Text:

  1. In the basic shapes menu, scroll down until you find text. Drag the text over your base (It’s okay for the moment if it doesn’t fit).
  1. Using the Shape Edit Menu, Change the text from “TEXT” to your name, and if you want, change the font to something else.
  2. Now, most likely your name will no longer fit on the base. Drag the white squares in the corners of your name to be inside the base.
  3. Drag the white square in the middle of your name down so that the height is now “⅜”
  4. Finally, now group the text and the base together!
  1. Now you have your finished design that looks something like this!

Congratulations!! You just made a beautiful name tag for yourself! Time to get 3D Printing!

To print your name tag, go to 3D Printer OS Tutorial